Participating in regular exercise that increases your heart rate, your breathing rate, and makes you sweat has been shown to be beneficial for numerous aspects of health. People who exercise at this intensity tend to sleep better, have more energy throughout the day, and have more regular bowel movements!
This type of exercise is called “Aerobic”, but it doesn’t mean you have to go for a run. Although running is an excellent way (and my personal favourite way) to get aerobic activity, it’s not the only way and it’s not for everyone. Aerobic exercise can be any form of activity that increases your heart rate. This can include going for a brisk walk, swimming, or participating in an exercise class.
Canadian health guidelines suggest getting 2.5 hours of moderate exercise each week with minimum bouts of 10 mins, but this can be difficult for people who have mobility challenges. For these individuals, aerobic exercise is especially important for reducing the risk of health issues, reducing complications with their current mobility challenges, and improving longevity.
We're excited to announce the start of our aerobic chair class starting in February 2024. Our 45 minute classes are run by physiotherapist, Shannon Lim, and will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 pm! These classes are designed for individuals who have balance or mobility issues where standing for more than 30 minutes is difficult or unsafe. We will be working at a moderate intensity. This means that you should be able to talk in full sentences throughout the session.
Watch this video to get a glimpse of what these classes will look like:
Each class is a stand alone class, meaning that you do not have to attend several classes in a row. We will meet you where you're at in terms of your physical ability; each exercise can be adapted to be easier or harder.
To join this class you will need:
A safe place to sit, such as a sturdy chair with no wheels, a bench, or a couch
High speed internet
A device with Zoom set up
Space in front of you place your device so we can see your arms and legs
Additional optional items that will maximize the benefits you will gain from the class include:
Arm weights of 2-8 lbs (two full water bottles work great!)
Ankle weights around 5 lbs
Resistance bands
A device to quickly measure heart rate (e.g. Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin watch)
If you are interested in joining, contact Shannon at